Univision interviews Jaime "Mujahid" Fletcher of IslamInSpanish regarding the deadly hate crime in Portland, Oregon...

Univision entrevista a Jaime Mujahid Fletcher de IslamInSpanish en relacion al crimen de odio mortal en Portland, Oregon después de que un atacante gritó insultos racistas a dos mujeres musulmanas para explicar que el tipo de trabajo de dialogo-abierto que Musulmanes Latinos llevan acabo en el Centro Islamico de IslamInSpanish es importante para no aislarnos y odiarnos por no conocernos que eventualmente es lo que conduce a la violencia.

Univision interviews Jaime "Mujahid" Fletcher of IslamInSpanish regarding the deadly hate crime in Portland, Oregon after an attacker shouted racist insults to two Muslim women to explain that the kind of open-dialogue being carried out by Latino Muslims at the IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico is important help not isolate us from one another which leads hate from us not knowing each other which ultimately leads to violence.


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