The Highs and Lows of Our Destiny - Four Points A Believer Can Apply to Their life

The IslamInSpanish was blessed to be visited recently by Shaikh Reymundo Nour from California for our packed community educational program at the Dallas Outreach Center. People in attendance are Spanish-speaking Muslims ranging from new Muslims who accepted Islam a couple of months ago to others who have embraced Islam a couple of years and are in need of learning about Islam in the Spanish language.

Shaikh Reymundo has a rich background having been born in Panama with Jamaican roots. His journey of discovery led him to study in Saudi Arabia and he has been Muslim for over 50 years so he carries a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He dropped some amazing gems in a recent Spanish talk at the Outreach Center which we captured on a video called "The Highs and Lows of Our Destiny". In the talk, Shaikh Reymundo covers 4 important points that believing Muslims should apply in their lives:

1) Bow
2) Prostrate
3) Worship Your Lord
4) And Do Good

Watch the video (which is also subtitled in English) by clicking the image above and feel free to share it with your Spanish speaking friends and family so they can benefit.