Bridgeport Prison Visit in Collaboration with 11 Organizations

IslamInSpanish participated at the Bridgeport Correctional Facility, where a fruitful event was going to take place. Running from 8 am to 5 pm, the program aimed to encourage dialogue about Islam, catering to both Muslim and non-Muslim attendees. The active exchange of ideas and cultural connections made it a day to remember.

The event kicked off with diverse speakers sharing insights about Islam. What made this event truly special was the effort to bridge language barriers. Sister Lu, a dedicated IslamInSpanish volunteer, skillfully translated the first half of the event into Spanish, ensuring that everyone felt included. Later, Luis took on the role of translator for the second half, creating a seamless experience for the attendees.

As the day unfolded, the Latino participants actively engaged, asking questions and seeking a deeper understanding of Islam. The cultural exchange was noticeable, breaking down stereotypes and strengthening a sense of unity among the diverse group gathered at the correctional facility.

An awesome thing happened by the end of the event. Thirteen out of the sixteen Latinos present expressed a keen interest and requested Spanish Qurans. This not only reflected their curiosity but also demonstrated a genuine desire to delve into the teachings of Islam in a language they could fully comprehend.

The success of the event was not only measured by the newfound understanding but also by the companionship formed with the brothers present. Shared laughter, thoughtful discussions, and a sense of community prevailed throughout the day.

Adding to the richness of the experience was the delicious food from La Suprema Market, bringing everyone together around a table of cultural diversity. The flavors served as a reminder that, despite our differences, we can find common ground through shared experiences.

In retrospect, the day at Bridgeport Correctional Facility was a testament to the power of dialogue and cultural exchange. The event wouldn’t be possible without the coming together of local Islamic Centers, a big shout out to them for organizing the event. It showcased the importance of reaching across boundaries, breaking down barriers, and building connections that transcend language and background. As we departed, the resonance of the day lingered, leaving a positive impact on both the attendees and organizers alike.

To our surprise over the same weekend after the event there were 3 of the Latino attendees who accepted Islam and took their Shahada! It is truly inspiring how lives can be impacted with a little support from the collective community. We thank Allah and everyone involved in making this happen and look forward to continuing touching lives with Islam by the permission of Allah.